In California, Health & Safety Code Sec. 1569.69 requires all staff for RCFEs to consent to updated and extended assisted living medication training necessities while helping the occupants with self-administering of the needed medication. Since almost all RCFE’s are required to administer medication to seniors living in your residential care facility, the new training laws have been gaining more traction in the recent months. Be that as it may, the prerequisites stated in Section 1569.69 can be difficult to understand. InsureMyRCFE will explain more about this law and how you can stay up-to-date with all upcoming RCFE Laws in California.
Required Assisted Living Medication Training
Code 1569.69 states that full-time and part-time RCFE staff must undergo a level of medication training that will help seniors administer drugs properly. In the event that your office is authorized for 16 residents above, the assisted living medication training process should include at least 8 hours of preparatory training and instruction. This will cover the primary 9 points stated in section 1569.69 within the initial 2 weeks vocation. California RCFE staff are also required to complete 8 hours of hands-on training before they will be allowed to assist the elderly inhabitants with their medication. Next, an examination that measures the level of competency and comprehension will be required to completely understand the new law. Finally, staff will also incorporate a 4-hour training session regarding topics related to medication, which usually lasts 12 months. If your Residential Care Facility for the Elderly is authorized for less than 16 residents, training should incorporate a 4-hour preparatory training and basic instruction for the initial two weeks of the vocation. All RCFE staff must finish and complete the necessary courses and training before they can be employed. Only authorized medical experts may skip the preparation prerequisite.
Section 1569.69 additionally indicates prerequisites for California Residential Care Facilities for the elderly. To begin with, staff are required to finish at least five hours of introductory training, completed and verified with a certificate. Trainers with a completed 3-semester units from a licensed organization with a focus on medicine administration can likewise conduct the training. They should likewise have two years’ experience, inside of the most recent four years, as an Advisor, Overseer, or a direct staff member with proficiency in prescription administration. provides you with the materials needed to effectively run a residential care facility for the elderly. Contact us at 805-413-5668 to get an insurance quote for your RCFE liability insurance in as little as 5 minutes.